




联 系 人 :周鹏天 联系电话:13567409991


浙江人和光伏科技有限公司是一家专业从事太阳能光伏组件接线盒、连接器、电缆线及周边产品研发、生产、销售和服务的高新技术企业。产品通过 UL TUV IEC CSA SUD Rohs 等国际认证,企业还通过ISO9001、 ISO14001、OHSAS18001管理体系认证。现已形成完整的光伏接线盒垂直产业链,公司现有员工超过一千名,目前日生产能力超过10万套,2013年新建的生产基地,日生产能力将超过36万套。公司是国家光伏接线盒行业标准制定起草单位,建立了国内个光伏接线盒专用实验室。公司一直奉行专利先行、品牌拓市战略,公司现拥有几十项国内外专利,还在欧美等10多个国家注册了“Renhesolar”公司商标以及“ZJRH”产品商标等。2010年被福布斯评选为中国潜力企业。2011年度实现销售产值人民币14.5亿元,占全球市场份额25%以上,销量全球。我们不断创新,追求卓越。特别是在当前复杂的国际经济形势下,人和光伏将进一步狠抓精细化、现代化、科学化,继续坚持“品牌、标准、专利”三大战略,续写人和光伏发展新篇章。Zhejiang Renhe Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading National High-Tech Enterprise specially engaged in production, R&D, sales and service for PV junction box, connector and cable used for solar PV module. With over 1000 emplyees, the production capacity per day is around 100,000 sets.The daily capacity will exceed 360,000 sets when our new manufacturing base completes in 2013. Our products are approved by UL, TUV, IEC, CSA, SUD and Rohs while the company is managed through ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 .We have developed integrated supply chain to reach cost optimizaiton, and own the global-largest、China-earliest and full-series base for R&D and manufacturing in PV junction box.In 2010,our company was awarded as 2010 Forbes China Up&Comers.In 2011,our sale volume reached around USD0.25 billion,and occupied around 25% of global market. Our company participates in drafting China National Stardard for PV junction box, and takes the leadership in establishing China first laboratory for PV junction box. We are the holder of product brand "ZJRH" and company brand "Renhesolar", and we are globally branding them. We own dozens of patents globally."Standard" ,"Brand",and "Patent" are our core strategies. We will pursue for the perfect through continous innovation.

浙江人和光伏科技有限公司 所提供的公司介绍、产品信息等相关信息均有浙江人和光伏科技有限公司自行负责,商品内容真实性、准确性、合法性由浙江人和光伏科技有限公司完全承担,全天候商务网对此不承担任何保证责任。